Latest projects
Latest projects
Building with estimated total of 560 apartments.
To screen 320,000 tons of inert waster and materials and transport the screened materials to the storage site located at Estrada do Istmo.
Main contract work of the central laboratory building. The 3- story basement floor will be morgue area. The ground floor and above floors will include blood donation centers, blood bank, morbid anatomy, public health laboratory, electromechanical equipment layer and reserved development area.
Construction Works of Pumping Station (EP9eEER) and Box Culvert Drains in Bacia Norte do Patane
Reclaimation and Embarkment Works for Coastal Protection
Macau Outdoor Performance Area Construction Project
Primary Court Building at Lago Nam Van Lotes C1- C4  - Foundation & Basement Works
Public Housing at Zone A Lote A11 - Design and Build
Phase I Screening and Temporary Storage of Inert Waste and Materials
Public Housing at Zone A Lot A3 - Design and Build
Office Building at NAPE Lote 12 - Foundation & Basement Works
Island Health Care Complex,  the Central Laboratory Building - Main Contract Works